Research Paper: 2006 Breedveld

Date Published : 08/17/2005

Summary: Novel mutations in three families confirm a major role of COL4A1 in hereditary porencephaly

Abstract: Background: Porencephaly (cystic cavities of the brain) is caused by perinatal vascular accidents from various causes. Several familial cases have been described and autosomal dominant inheritance linked to chromosome 13q has been suggested. COL4A1 is an essential component in basal membrane stability. Mouse mutants bearing an in-frame deletion of exon 40 of Col4a1 either die from haemorrhage in the perinatal period or have porencephaly in survivors. A report of inherited mutations in COL4A1 in two families has shown that familial porencephaly may have the same cause in humans.

Novel mutations in three families confirm a major role of COL4A1 in hereditary porencephaly.


Research Paper: 2006 van der Knaap


Research Paper: 2005b Gould